T.C. Mİllî Eğİtİm BakanlIğI
ŞANLIURFA / HALİLİYE - Mehmet Güneş Anadolu Lisesi


Mehmet Güneş Aadolu Lisesi


          Öğrencilerimizin, Atatürk ilkelerini benimsemiş, gelişen teknolojiyi izleyip kullanabilen, araştırarak, sorgulayarak, bilgiyi öğrenme yollarını keşfetmiş, bireysel yeteneklerini dikkate alarak öğrenen, bilgili, becerili, özgüvenli olan, olaylara çok yönlü ve tarafsız bakabilen, çevresi ile iyi ve olumlu iletişim kuracak davranışları kazanmış, doğaya karşı duyarlı, bedensel, zihinsel, sosyal, psikolojik ve ahlaki yönlerden gelişebilen, mutlu, sağlıklı ve erdemli bireyler yetişmesine kurum olarak vesile olmaktan gurur duyuyoruz.
            Hayırsever işadamı,  Şanlı Urfa eski milletvekillerinden sayın Mehmet GÜNEŞ'in katkılarıyla tamamlanan okulumuz 1998-1999 eğitim öğretim yılında öğretime başlamış olup ekim 1999 da bugünkü binasına taşınmıştır.
          Dönemin Cumhurbaşkanı Süleyman DEMİREL ve Milli Eğitim Bakanı Metin BOSTANCIOĞLU tarafından hizmete açılmıştır. 
          İlk mezunlarını 2001-2002 yılında 26 öğrenci ile veren okulumuz, şu an toplam 450 öğrenci ile eğitim-öğretimine devam etmektedir.

          2018-2019 Eğitim-Öğretim yılında Proje okulu olarak yeni yerleşkesi olan Zeytin Dalı  Eğitim Kampüsüne taşınmıştır ve burda faaliyetlerine devam etmektedir.
          Eğitim öğretime başladığı ilk günden itibaren sürekli ilerleme kaydeden okulumuz bugün;
          Ortalama 30 öğrencilik sınıfları,
          Öğrencilerin ihtiyacına yönelik Fizik,  Biyoloji ve Kimya deneylerini yapabilecekleri, görsel sunumlara hitap edebilecek projeksiyon destekli, bilgisayarlı, akıllı tahtalı laboratuarları ve zengin kütüphanesi,  
          Öğrencilerimize ev ortamını aratmayan okuma salonları, 
          Yıl içerisinde düzenlenen okul içi ve okul dışı proje, yarışma ve etkinlikleri ile her eğitim öğretim yılını dolu dolu geçirmekteyiz.

Mehmet Güneş Anatolian High School

The history of our school;

        Our students have adopted Atatürk's principles, followed and used the developing technology, discovered ways of learning information by researching and questioning, learning by taking into account their individual abilities, knowledgeable, skilled, self-confident, able to look at events from a multi-faceted and impartial way, and to have good and positive communication with their environment. As a school, we are proud to be instrumental in raising happy, healthy and virtuous individuals who are sensitive to nature, who can develop physically, mentally, socially, psychologically and morally.

            Our school, which was completed with Mehmet GÜNEŞ's contributions, a philanthropic businessman and former MP from Şanlıurfa, started teaching in the 1998-1999 academic year and moved to its current building in September 2018.

          It was put into service by then President Süleyman DEMİREL and Minister of National Education Metin BOSTANCIOĞLU.

          Our school, which graduated its first graduates in 2001-2002 with 26 students, is currently continuing its education with a total of 840 students.

          In the 2018-2019 academic year, it was moved to its new place, Zeytin Dalı Education Campus, as a Project School and continues its activities here.

          Our school making continuous progress since the first day of education; has classes of 30 students on average, project-supported, computerized, smart board enabled classes and laboratories that can make Physics, Biology and Chemistry experiments for the needs of students. It appeals to visual presentations with reading halls and its rich library that make our students feel like a home environment.

          We spend every academic year to the fullest with in-school and out-of-school projects, competitions and activities organized throughout the year.




           I was born in Şanlıurfa in 1949. I am the fifth child in a family of six children. I had to do my high school education in a boarding school because I live in the village with my family with a low income, who does a small amount of dry farming. For this reason, I finished the boarding department of Erzurum Atatürk Building Institute. I had to study and work at the same time in order to complete my college education. That's why I enrolled in a private engineering school. I needed a good job to survive and pay for my education. Since I received a scholarship from the Ministry of National Education, I applied to the Directorate of National Education with the thought that they might give priority to successful students. In a short time, my application to the Primary and Secondary Schools Construction and Repair Department at the Şanlıurfa Provincial Directorate of National Education Primary Schools Bureau was accepted. I accepted this job because I was in great financial difficulties. Thus, it became a dream for me to graduate from college. Leaving my education life unfinished has always hurt me throughout my life...


 By the way, while I was working in National Education, I received a job offer from the private sector. Having high dreams and ambitions; I accepted this offer without hesitation as I am a person who wants to prove some of his desires and skills and who has a desire to become an employer one day.

          I worked hard... I faced enormous challenges, insurmountable obstacles, and difficult-to-decide events; but thanks to my personality, which I believe to be strong, I managed to overcome all these difficulties and thanked Allah for every success I had. Currently, I am both an employer and a father who keeps his family very comfortable and does not spare any sacrifice from his children, especially in their education.

I didn't just work for myself in this tough fight for survival. In order to be a useful citizen to my country and to make up for the lack of education that has remained in me, I have never forgotten my words to God and myself. I built Mehmet Güneş indoor sports hall. In addition to these, I have given scholarships to many students so that they can graduate and I will continue to do so as long as I live.

Of course, besides these, considering my debt of loyalty to my family elders, I also built a mosque on behalf of my beloved father, which is large and has a beautiful architecture.

It is a great pleasure for me to do these things... I believe that these are small services for my country and state.

I do not want to be content with these, I will continue my support for education.

Mehmet GÜNEŞ


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Yayın: 12.01.2018 - Güncelleme: 11.08.2022 09:27 - Görüntülenme: 5385
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